TV Video And Electronic Repairs in Liverpool from the 1980s

 TV  Repairs Liverpool

Early 80s – Started working for

Colorvision on Smithdown Road

(Remember them?)

There were three television shops

near the corner of Nicander road – 

Colorvision, Kolortron and Crazy Eddy’s

(no-one by the name of Eddy there,

but a few crazies.) It looked like they were

in competition with each other,

but all owned by Colorvision.

1984 – Went freelance, looking after

service for some Colorvision franchises

as well as building my own customer base

repairing televisions and Video Recorders.

1984 – Formed Carefree TV along with

another exe employee of Colorvision.

This was mainly a slot TV rental business.

1986 – Moved into premises in Eaton Road,

West Derby, adding TV sales to the business.

1987 – Carefree TV moves to County Road,

Walton (opposite Walton church)

benefiting from a busy shopping area.

1994 – Started Anfield and Walton TV 

to re-establish my own customers

and concentrate on the local area.

(It was also helpful having a name

beginning with “A” as this gave

first listing in directories.)

The 90s – Started repairing satellite

receivers for various independents

as well as repairs for some rental

companies that were left.

Noughties-Now – Installed CCTV systems

for many businesses including the

‘Liverpool’ in James Street and

the ‘Paraffin Oil Shop’ in Old Swan

amongst many others.

 Became service

contractor for Hyundai

(They were one of the first companies

to bring out 42” Plasma TVs, and

sold many early – mid 2000s.)

Also carried out installations of

 Audio – Visual equipment for

Currys and John Lewis.

Still going, and still have many

loyal customers from the 80s

and many more added over the years!

Aerial and Satellite Installations

In 1998, started installing aerials

and satellite dishes across Liverpool and Merseyside. 

This included minidish for SKY UK at 28 degrees east as well as motorised dishes to receive

foreign channels from many different satellite positions.

IN 2013 when I dropped the aerial and satellite installations in order to concentrate on TV repairs. Since then, most of the TV repair work has been replacing LED backlights that had failed. 

Colourvision was on the corner of Nicander Road
 and Smithdown Road for over 25 years

Kolortron advert in the Liverpool Echo early 80s. Television sales in Blacklers department store.

Kolortron advert in the Liverpool Echo
early 80s.
14-inch Ferguson colour TV £150!

Former Kolortron shop on Smithdown Road. TV and Video sales and service.
Subway now occupies where Kolortron was.
 Originally two shops, Kolortron on the left,
 and Krazy Eddies on the right.
 It was knocked through in 1981 to extend Kolortron.
 Fletcher’s video library was also inside.

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